How to install the plug-in1. Download the current version for Mac or PC here. How to activate the plug-inMake sure a retail version is installed rather than a demo. At the first launch the retail version of the plug-in (Photoshop's menu Filter > Sattva > Descreen) you will see Software activation dialog. 1. Enter your name and email. Click Personalize button.
2. Copy the registration code to the clipboard (using the mouse). Close the dialog. Send a email to sattvasattva.ru with this code to obtain the activation key. Alternatively you can send the registration code using our mail webform or Facebook.
3. When you receive the activation key, paste it to the dialog (using the mouse) and click Activate button. If you have not yet purchased the activation key you can do that here: purchase the activation key. The plug-in should be activated.
FAQI haven't received the answer...Probably our communication was blocked by antispam filters. Send your email to sattvadescreengmailcom or using our mail webform. Also try to use other your email accounts or Facebook. Please note the program registration is performed manually. Due to the difference in time zones there can be delays of a few hours. In rare cases the delay may take up to 1 day. The plug-in worked fine, but now I see the activation dialog again...That happens when you change the name of your computer. You need email the new registration code to sattvasattva.ru to get the new activation key. The activation key is bounded to 3 things: computer name, user name, email. If you would like change any of them you will need a new activation key. I would like to activate the free demo version...The free demo works without an activation. If you would like to install the free demo, close Photoshop and reinstall the plug-in. During the installing choose demo. I have installed Descreen plug-in to the correct folder, however, I can not see the Sattva under the Filter menu.
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